The Southern Centre for Digital Transformation is a research environment located at the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II funded through the Departments of Excellence initiative (2023-2027) of the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), which awarded a special grant to the best 180 departments of Italian universities to finance five-year development projects.
The Centre is dedicated to the study of digital transformation from the point of view of the South. With ‘the South' we intend an empirical focus on the geographical south, including Southern Italy and the Mediterranean as well as a theoretical perspective that favours perspectives and standpoints from the margins that are able to offer alternatives to mainstream narratives.
The Centre brings together a diverse range of social scientists around a seminar series that joins PhDs, post docs, visiting professors as well as permanent faculty.
The Centre is organized around five macro areas of enquiry:
• ‘Digital Cultures'
• ‘Digital Policies and Administration'
• ‘Social Innovation and Sustainable Development'
• ‘Digital Education'
• ‘Methodology'
The development of Innovative methodologies and empirical approaches to the study of digital transformation is a transversal focus of research and enquiry for the Southern Centre for Digital Transformation.